We see the potential in everyone.
If you’re worried about something right now with regards to your personal finances (loss of a job, devastating illness, university tuition, divorce, mismanagement of investments), take a deep breath. We will make things better.
Regardless of your income, we’ll create a plan that makes sense for your unique situation that will make your financial future brighter.
We help families with small or large investments. No matter where on the spectrum you fall, we want to work with you.
It starts with a conversation.
Our first meeting will be used to learn your story and to get a snapshot of where you currently are financially.
Maybe you have debt, maybe you don’t. Maybe you have a payment that will be finished up in six months that you could funnel into an investment. Maybe you’re over-weighted in one area. Maybe you just want a second opinion.
We’ll take a good look at where you are so we can best protect and provide for your family while gradually building your estate.
And this is how we will make a plan to change the ending of your financial story.
The last of your worries should be money.
Our Approach.
We do not offer one cookie cutter approach to managing your money. We will create a plan according to your unique financial situation and the stage you’re at in your life. After all, a single person who just graduated from college has different options than a newly divorced person with two children. As you move through life your financial position will change. School, work, marriage, children, home ownership, inheritances… all these things play a role in what you can afford to put away for the future. That is why we believe in staying connected with you and re-evaluating the plan on an ongoing basis.

Initial Meeting
We like to start with a scheduled in-person meeting where we simply start getting to know each another. We use a simple questionnaire to keep us on track.

Make a Plan
After you gather the data we need (statements and tax returns), we’ll plan a follow-up meeting where we’ll solidify your short and long term goals. No matter what your current situation is, we can help.

Activate the Plan
Once your plan is set in motion, you’ve started investing in your future. If you have any questions or concerns, we’re only a phone call away.

Staying Connected
We don’t just set you up with a plan and forget about you. We make a point to call you with any news about your investments, and to find out if your life is still on the same path so we can adjust plans if need be.